Blutwäsche bei einem Hund [Archivtitel]
Genre: Short film / Documentary film
Year: 1915?
Runtime: 05:39 min
Description: Haemodialysis on a Dog Documentation of an early dialysis experiment by Prof. Georg Haas at the Medical Clinic Gießen. Using collodion tubes, Prof. Haas and two colleagues perform a "blood purification" on a dog in the laboratory. Since the 1910s, Oskar Barnack, the inventor of the Leica, has captured events around Wetzlar on film with his self-constructed film camera. He documented flood disasters, city festivals, medical experiments, sporting events and the company where he was employed as chief designer: the Optical Works Ernst Leitz in Wetzlar. His films form the basis of a film archive in which local history has the same place as the effects of great historical events.
Keywords: EFG1914 / World War, 1914-1918 / World War I / Wissenschaft / Science / Tiere / Animals / Medizin / Medicine / Erster Weltkrieg / Hessen / Hesse
Provider: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Rights: Public Domain
Document type:
Language: de